Sunday 3 July 2011

Ignorance is bliss...

‘Ignore it’.  ‘Ignore it he says!’  I mumbled and grumbled to myself as I clattered the little one’s pushchair angrily along, careering left and right as I navigated the wheeliebin slalom that once a week befalls the estate near where my mother lives.  How in the name of all that keeps me sane am I meant to ignore it?  I could already feel the tingling sensation of the tender spots on my scalp where handfuls of hair had been gripped and pulled in a fit of desperate despair at the mere mention of it.

The wheels of the little one’s current mode of transportation swiveled for the umpteenth time that morning as I swerved to avoid yet another grey, plastic menace that graced the public walkway with it’s presence.  ‘I mean’...I continued to rant on under my breath with onlookers and passers by giving me a much wider berth than I felt strictly necessary, or fair.

Little one shifted in her seat in order to make herself more comfortable as her pushchair rattled on over the loose gravel as I stamped up my mom’s driveway.  ‘Honestly, the man’s mad!  It’s ludicrous to even suggest that anyone could ignore it!’  I rubbed the sore, hairless patches of bare scalp as I choked back tears.  I hadn’t slept now for two nights, my fingernails had all but gone.  I rubbed frantically at my eyes, dammit, each eyeball felt as though someone had come along in the night, popped it out, rinsed it in vinegar, sanded it down, boiled it in brine for 25 minutes, turned it inside out and popped it back in again.

On reaching my mother’s door I proceeded to hammer forcibly upon it in the hopes of attracting the desired attention and gain admission. 

‘Hello dar…..’

I screamed the words before I actually thought them, I felt them scrambling up my throat, scratching frantically at my mouth in order to be released.  I stared into my mother’s eyes hoping to find solace and sanctuary...


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